The Scientific Center "Arctic" carries out its activities in accordance with the rules of the University, mission for scientific activities of the University, these Regulations and the current laws of the Russian Federation.
Primary goal is to perform scientific research and development work (R & D) and in the practical realization of the results at industrial establishments with adaptation in the process of learning and forming a specialist with a set of competencies and skills.
Performing research and development work on high-tech equipment with obtaining specific results for realization in industrial production in the areas of green energy-underground area; arrangement, drilling of wells in the Arctic and increasing oil and gas recovery of reservoirs, which includes:
  • 1
    geothermal energetics
  • 2
    wind power in the arctic
  • 3
    hydrogen energetics
  • 4
    site construction and drilling of wells in the arctic
  • 5
    drilling of geothermal wells with high and low reservoir pressures
  • 6
    construction of wells for the development of gas-hydrate deposits
  • 7
    thermophysical and physico-chemical methods of stimulation techniques for the production of hydrocarbons and hydraulic fracturing
  • 8
    kinetics of artificial and natural gas hydrates
  • 9
    personnel training
Average age of employees
Number of publications in leading international scientific journals
Intellectual Property Certificates for 2020-2021
New types of special equipment and devices for carrying out experimental and research work
At the level (according to the established criteria of activity of teaching staff, researchers and students) of publication activity and quoting of the Center's employees
The annual amount of contractual and fiscal research work established by the Rector (chancellor)
Interdisciplinary mechanism and organization of interaction between departments and structural divisions of the University with the involvement of doctoral candidate in the profile
Specialized accredited laboratories on international level
Master students, among those recommended for admission to graduate school, and the best doctoral candidates who have confirmed their competence to participate in the implementation of scientific projects in order to create a scientific reserve
And development of new methods and research programs in the field of equipment and technologies for the development of deposits in the Arctic environment

Scientific Center "Arktika" implements its activities in accordance with the Charter of the University, the mission for the scientific activities of the University, these Regulations and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The main goal is to carry out research and development work (R&D) and in the practical implementation of the results at industrial enterprises with adaptation in the process of training and formation of a specialist with a set of competencies and skills.
    1. V.S. Litvinenko, M.V. Dvoynikov and V.L. Trushko, Elaboration of a conceptual solution for the development of the Arcticshelffrom seasonally flooded coastal areas, International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmst.2021.09.010.
    2. Dvoynikov, M.; Sidorkin, D.; Kunshin, A.; Kovalev, D. Applied Sciences – Industrial Engineering and Management. August 2021. – Volume 11 – No. 16. – PP. 1-11. DOI: 10.3390/app11167517.
    3. Dvoynikov, M.; Buslaev, G.; Kunshin, A.; Sidorov, D.; Kraslawski, A.; Budovskaya, M. New Concepts of Hydrogen Production and Storage in Arctic Region. Resources 2021, 10, 3. DOI: 10.3390/resources100 10003.
    During 2020 - 2021 16 patents for intellectual property were published.
    In progress:

    • Improvement of methods for monitoring and operational control of the trajectory of wells with large waste from the vertical.
    • Optimization of drilling modes and control of equipment trustworthiness: dynamics of the drilling column and Layout of the lower part of the drill column.
    • Development of technology and technical remedy for the development of gas-hydrate deposits.
    • Development of compounds of drilling fluids and destructors for uncovering formations with abnormal thermobaric conditions and technologies for well development.
    • Development of process fluids and technologies for improving the efficiency of hydrocarbon extraction.
    • Substantiation and development of a set of steps to improve the stability of the walls when drilling inclined wells.
    • Studies, optimization and results of application of grouting and buffer fluids and technologies.
    • Development of technology for the isolation of water inflow to improve the quality of well fixation.

    Planned/ Scheduled:

    • 2021-2022
      Development of fiber-optic plugging systems for casing wells and methodological principles for reducing annular pressures and interstratal flows in the development of gas and gas condensate fields.
    • 2022
      Development of a preliminary design for modular pile foundations for year-round pitless drilling of deep exploration and production wells in gas and gas condensate fields and placement of technological facilities in conditions of seasonal flooding and the spread of permafrost.
    • 2021-2023
      Development of technical and technological solutions for the construction of modular pile foundations for the purpose of drilling and development of gas and gas condensate fields in conditions of seasonal flooding and the spread of permafrost.

    Research of rheological, physico-chemical parameters of drilling sites, grouting and process fluids for well development, elimination of absorption and show during well construction, and the effect of solutions on the tightness of well equipment.
Scientific groundwork laid by the Department of Well Drilling
St. Petersburg Mining University, formed the basis for the creation of the Scientific Center "Arctic"

Research work in the field of exploration drilling was carried out at the Leningrad Mining Institute (LGI) by the Department of Technology and Technique for Drilling Wells (TTBS), created in 1948 with the aim of training mining engineers specializing 0108 - "Technique for Exploration of Mineral Deposits".

It was created to provide the geological service with highly qualified specialists who are able to lead the creation and practical development of new efficient drilling and mining equipment, which is absolutely necessary in conditions of urgent need, destroyed by the war of the national economy, in mineral resources.
In the scientific work of the department, many areas of research were continued and developed, on which the former mining group of the Central Research Geological Prospecting Institute (TsNIGRI, now VSEGEI) worked.
The creation of the department coincided with the beginning of a new stage of technical re-equipment of the geological prospecting service. This had a strong influence on the formation of the topics of her research, the formation of her scientific school. At the same time, the increased requirements for the training of specialists in exploration drilling, the need to improve the qualifications of teachers were also taken into account.
The development of scientific, theoretical, experimental design and technological research in the field of advanced drilling methods is reflected in the works of scientists F.A. Shamsheva, N.I. Nikolaeva, A.S. Denisova, N.P. Kiyunfer, S.N. Tarakanova, A.M. Yakovleva, B.B. Kudryashova, Yu.M., A.F. Mershalova, B.B. Kudryashova, Yu.M. Pariysky, N. D. Mikhailova, I. G. Shelkovnikov, A.I. Kirsanova, V.M. Selivanov, V.K. Chistyakova, I.S. Afanasyeva, L.K. Gorshkova, N.I. Vasiliev and others.
Scientific groundwork laid by the Department of Well Drilling
St. Petersburg Mining University, formed the basis for the creation of the Scientific Center "Arctic"

Research work in the field of exploration drilling was carried out at the Leningrad Mining Institute (LGI) by the Department of Technology and Technique for Drilling Wells (TTBS), created in 1948 with the aim of training mining engineers specializing 0108 - "Technique for Exploration of Mineral Deposits".

It was created to provide the geological service with highly qualified specialists who are able to lead the creation and practical development of new efficient drilling and mining equipment, which is absolutely necessary in conditions of urgent need, destroyed by the war of the national economy, in mineral resources.
In the scientific work of the department, many areas of research were continued and developed, on which the former mining group of the Central Research Geological Prospecting Institute (TsNIGRI, now VSEGEI) worked.
The creation of the department coincided with the beginning of a new stage of technical re-equipment of the geological prospecting service. This had a strong influence on the formation of the topics of her research, the formation of her scientific school. At the same time, the increased requirements for the training of specialists in exploration drilling, the need to improve the qualifications of teachers were also taken into account.
The development of scientific, theoretical, experimental design and technological research in the field of advanced drilling methods is reflected in the works of scientists F.A. Shamsheva, N.I. Nikolaeva, A.S. Denisova, N.P. Kiyunfer, S.N. Tarakanova, A.M. Yakovleva, B.B. Kudryashova, Yu.M., A.F. Mershalova, B.B. Kudryashova, Yu.M. Pariysky, N. D. Mikhailova, I. G. Shelkovnikov, A.I. Kirsanova, V.M. Selivanov, V.K. Chistyakova, I.S. Afanasyeva, L.K. Gorshkova, N.I. Vasiliev and others.
Work in production at TsNIGRI and LGI, the main focus of which was the development of the foundations of the theory and technology of drilling exploratory wells, is directly related to research into the technology of coreless drilling of exploration wells, proposed by the head of the TTBS department, which was permanent until 1976, a well-known coal geologist, doctor of technical sciences, later Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR Philipp Aristarkhovich Shamshev. The first results of these studies were presented by him in the original monograph of 1939 "Exploration drilling".

Theoretical, experimental-design and technological studies of the new drilling method resulted in the creation of three types of vibrating units and rock cutting tools. For the first time in the Soviet Union, Professor Arian Mikhailovich Yakovlev developed a classification of rocks by vibro-drillability and substantiated the parameters of the vibration drilling mode, which ensures sampling with undisturbed soil structure. The original designs of the vibration unit (LGI-1 and LGI-2) were developed by A.M. Yakovlev together with L.K. Gorshkov, V.M. Selivanov and V.N. Voronov, which served as the basis for some of the currently produced vibration installations.

Shamshev Philipp Aristarkhovich
28/08/1893 - 19/11/1979
Work in production at TsNIGRI and LGI, the main focus of which was the development of the foundations of the theory and technology of drilling exploratory wells, is directly related to research into the technology of coreless drilling of exploration wells, proposed by the head of the TTBS department, which was permanent until 1976, a well-known coal geologist, doctor of technical sciences, later Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR Philipp Aristarkhovich Shamshev. The first results of these studies were presented by him in the original monograph of 1939 "Exploration drilling".

Theoretical, experimental-design and technological studies of the new drilling method resulted in the creation of three types of vibrating units and rock cutting tools. For the first time in the Soviet Union, Professor Arian Mikhailovich Yakovlev developed a classification of rocks by vibro-drillability and substantiated the parameters of the vibration drilling mode, which ensures sampling with undisturbed soil structure. The original designs of the vibration unit (LGI-1 and LGI-2) were developed by A.M. Yakovlev together with L.K. Gorshkov, V.M. Selivanov and V.N. Voronov, which served as the basis for some of the currently produced vibration installations.
Shamshev Philipp Aristarkhovich
28/08/1893 - 19/111979
Boris Borisovich Kudryashov
Boris Borisovich Kudryashov is known in Russia and foreign countries as a theorist and organizer of scientific research on exploratory drilling of wells, the founder of the Russian school of drilling thermophysics and a talented teacher.
Борис Борисович Кудряшов
An outstanding scientist in the field of technology and technology of geological exploration, a theorist and organizer of scientific research on drilling wells in ice, well-known in Russia and abroad, head of the scientific school of the Department of Well Drilling.
Nikolai Ivanovich Vasiliev
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© 2021 Scientific Center "Arctic"
The area and subject of the research center "Arctic" is the organization of scientific research to improve environmental safety and efficiency of development of existing fields, as well as the introduction of innovative approaches to new fields.
Adress: 199106, Russia, 21st line V.O., 2
Saint Petersburg
Telephone: +7 (812) 328-81-75
E-mail: miningarctic@gmail.com