development of devices for preventing hydrate formation that do not require energy supply from external sources and have enough trustworthiness.
A general problem of gas production and its transportation through pipelines is hydrate formation. Hydrates are formed under certain thermobaric conditions, depending on the composition of the gas, and can prevent the functioning of wells and pipelines.
The problem of gas production and its transportation through pipelines is hydrate formation.
Most often, hydrates are formed due to an extreme decrease in the temperature of the gas flow.
Dosing blocks are used to ensure the dosing of the supply of methanol to the downhole flow. Methyl is a strong cumulative poison, the delivery and use of which sometimes leads to a multiple increase in costs.
The requirement of the fields for methanol is estimated at 5-15 thousand tons per year (12 thousand tons per year for the Chayandinsky
Oil- and- gas condensate reservoir, which at a price of 43 thousand rubles per ton is about 500 million rubles per year).
Flow-through torch heaters are used, which use a part of the transported gas to generate heat.
The amount of gas for own needs is about 0.3 to 0.5% of the total pumping (for gas distribution station) of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, this is 40.7 million m3 per year, or, at a price of 3470 rubles per thousand m3, 140 million rubles per year).
The scientific direction includes the following departments and laboratories:
• Department of geological and hydrodynamic modeling;
• Department of analysis and design of development of hydrocarbon deposits;
• Department of technology for complex preparation of gas and condensate for transportation;
• Department of pipeline networks and gas distribution systems;
• Department of technology for complex preparation of oil for transportation;
• Laboratory «Development of gas and gas condensate wells»;
• Laboratory «Core preparation and storage»;
• Laboratory «Increased oil and gas recovery of productive layers»;
• Laboratory for studying the properties of formation fluids.
• Creation of mathematical geological and hydrodynamic models, models of ground gathering networks, preparation for transport and transportation of hydrocarbons. Development of new types of special equipment and instruments for experimental and research work.
• Conducting theoretical, prospecting, technological and instrumental-bench studies aimed at solving the problems of development and operation of oil and gas fields, transportation of hydrocarbons in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, including the Arctic offshore:
• Preparation of proposals for participation in promising research projects, programs, grants, including in the state assignment in accordance with the «Scientific directions of the Mining University of the world level»;
• Development of technologies and technical means (taking into account the use in water protection, nature protection and shelf zones) collection and preparation for transport, transportation of hydrocarbons, storage of gas in underground gas storages, LNG;
• Development and testing of new methods and research programs in the field of engineering and technologies for operating wells, infield equipment, systems for collecting and preparing gas, condensate and oil for transport, underground gas storage facilities, LNG fields in Arctic conditions.